Editing a Transfer

Your security role must have permission to edit transfers. For more information, see "About Security Permissions". You can edit the information on all of the pages of a transfer. You cannot edit the allocations on an approved transfer.

 To edit a transfer

  1. Open the Transfers register.
  2. Select the transfer to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the necessary edits. Please refer to the following for more information on the fields for each page:
  5. The required fields are marked with asterisks and may also be highlighted. For more information, see "About Required Fields".

  6. Click Save.
  7. Proliance saves the page.

  8. Click Exit Edit Mode when done.
  9. What can I do now?


  • If you change the Total Transfer Amount without updating the allocation amounts, Proliance prompts you to prorate the allocation amounts for you. You can either have Proliance prorate the amounts or adjust the amounts yourself.