Get Cost Event Line Items Wizard

The Get Cost Event Line Items wizard guides you through the process of handing off one or more expense or revenue cost event line items to an existing committing document, such as a contract or change order.

There are two steps to this wizard:

Step Description


Click Add/Remove and select the cost event line items to be handed off to this document.

Closed What line items can I select?

Proliance lets you select from line items that meet the following conditions:

  • Line item is open.
  • Line item has the same book type as the committing document. (only applies to expense documents)
  • Line items from cost events that have the same BCM integration status as the committing document. In other words, if BCM integration is disabled in the committing document, you can only select from cost events where BCM is similarly disabled. (only applies to expense documents)
  • Line item either has no target contract, or has a target contract that is the same as the committing document (if committing document is a contract) or parent contract to the committing document (if committing document is a change order).


Indicate how many Schedule of Value (SOV) line items should be created.

  • Use the first option to create one SOV line item for each selected cost event line item.
  • Use the second option to create one SOV line item for all the selected line items in the cost event.  

Closed Example

You select three line items from cost event "A".

  • Using the first option, Proliance will create 3 SOV line items in the change order. Each SOV line item represents one cost event line item.
  • Using the second option, Proliance will create 1 SOV line item for the change order. This SOV line item represents the three line items from "A".