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From the Organization work area, you can edit location information for any company, org company, or business unit. Locations cannot be edited from the Workspaces work area. Any changes must be made from the Organization work area and then synchronized to the corresponding Location documents in the appropriate workspaces.
To edit location information for any type of company, your security role in the Organization work area must have permission to update locations. For more information, see "About Security Permissions".
To edit location information
The required fields are marked with asterisks and may also be highlighted. For more information, see "About Required Fields".
If you are editing a location from the Organization work area that was added to a workspace or portfolio, Proliance prompts you to save the information and/or synchronize it with the information in the Workspaces or Portfolios work areas.
— or —
Click Save and Synchronize if you wish to save this information and synchronize it with the information from the Workspaces and Portfolios work areas.
Proliance saves the changes.