Deleting Contract History Information

You can delete contract history information for a company defined in the Organization work area. You delete history information if you determine that it is no longer required or if information was added in error. To delete contract history information, your security role must have permission to delete contract history. For more information, see "About Security Permissions".

Deletions should be performed sparingly and only when absolutely required, to maintain the integrity of your historical information.

You can delete contract history information from either of the following places:

ClosedTo delete a contract history entry

  1. Open the Contract History tab of the appropriate company.

  2. Select the check box next to the contract history entries you wish to delete and click Delete.

  3. — or —

    Open the contract history entry you wish to delete and click Delete The delete button..

  4. Click Yes when Proliance prompts you to confirm.

The contract history entry is deleted.


  • Instead of deleting a contract history entry, you may wish to simply deactivate it. This changes the state of the entry to Inactive, which allows you to reactivate it later or to permanently delete it if you choose. For more information, see "Contract History Workflow Actions".


  • You cannot delete a contract history entry while it has an Active state.