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Issue an Addendum
If it becomes necessary to make changes to an invitation after a package has been issued to bidders, use a package addendum to notify bidders of the specifics of the change. Generally, updating an invitation with an addendum involves:
- Updating the package.
Bid coordinators make changes directly to the package. These changes are immediately reflected in the invitations issued to bidders.
- Creating and issuing a package addendum.
Bid coordinators can create one or more package addendum where they describe the changes made to the package. Once the package addendum is issued, an invitation addendum is made available to each bidder showing the changes.
- Acknowledging the invitation addendum.
Before bidders can update and submit their proposal, they must acknowledge all related invitation addenda. Bid coordinators can track the acknowledgement of each invitation addendum.
- Updating the proposal.
Using the change information contained in the invitation addendum, bidders update their proposals.
The following diagram describes the process of issuing an addendum:
As a bid coordinator, use the following steps to issue an addendum:
- Make any necessary changes to the bid package.
- Create a package addendum.
- Add details about what changes have been made to the package in the Synopsis field.
- Issue the package addendum. Proliance creates an invitation addendum for each bidder who has accepted their invitation.
- Monitor which bidders acknowledge the invitation addendum.
Bidders use the following steps to acknowledge and respond to an addendum:
- Review the invitation addendum.
- Acknowledge the invitation addendum.
- Make changes to the proposal document according to the changes described in the invitation addendum.
- Re-submit the proposal if it was previously submitted.