Recording a Received Signature

You must record signatures when you receive them from the required signatories. A required signatory may submit a signature in the form of a notice of approval through Proliance, or she may submit a physical signature on a printed document. The prerequisite for recording a received signature is that the person whose signature you are recording must already be defined as a required signatory in your workspace. For more information, see "Designating a Required Signatory".

To record a received signature

  1. Open any of the following registers: Contracts, Change Orders, or Invoices.

  2. Open the document that you are recording the signature for.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. On the Main page, expand the Required Signatures section.
  5. Next to the name of the required signatory whose signature you received, from the Status list, select Signed.
  6. Next to Date Signed, select the date on which you received the signature.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Proliance saves your changes.