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About the Online Help
The Proliance Online Help provides you with information
on how to use Proliance as well as step-by-step instructions on how to
perform specific tasks. You can access help using the Table of Contents,
Index or Search tabs. If these tabs are not displayed, click Show,
which is located at the top left corner of the Online Help.
Navigation Buttons
Proliance online help offers the following panes. To access
each pane, click the Contents, Index, Search, or Glossary on the
toolbar. If your Internet security options disabled the active content
in the Help, choose to "Allow Blocked Content". This will display
the complete toolbar.
- Contents:The books and topics in the Contents pane are grouped and organized
by service. To help you quickly locate the topics, they are listed in
alphabetical order. Click on each book to display related topic links
and click on each topic link to display the content of the topic on the
right pane.
- Index:Enter in the space provided a keyword that describes the feature that
you want to perform a task on. For example, if you need help on how to
create an RFI document, type "RFI". Locate the subkeyword that
matches your task. In this example, it would be "creating".
Click on this subkeyword to display the topic on the right pane.
- Search:When you enter a word or phrase in the Search tab, Proliance searches
the contents of your topics to find all occurrences of that word or phrase.
For example, if you need to find a topic on how to delete RFIs, type "delete
RFI". Proliance displays all the topics that contain both "delete"
and "RFI" keywords. This is a useful way to find all topics
that contain every instance of a concept or feature in Proliance.
Rules for Full-Text Search
Here are the basic rules for making queries
in full-text searches:
- Searches
are not case-sensitive, so you can type your search in uppercase or lowercase
- You may
search for any combination of letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9).
- Punctuation
marks such as the period, colon, semicolon, comma, and hyphen are ignored
during a search.
- Glossary:The Glossary contains a list of Proliance terms. When you select a term
from the top pane ("Term"), its corresponding definition is
displayed in the lower pane ("Definition").
Print:Click this button to print the topic that you are currently viewing.
Note that this topic is printed exactly how it is displayed on your screen.
To ensure any collapsed text is printed, click Show/Hide
All before you print the topic.
search:The Search input field enables you to perform a full-text search of
the Help system. This type of search locates topics containing the text
you enter in the Search field. Full-text searches look through every word
in the online Help to find matches. When the search is completed, a list
of topics is displayed so you can select a specific topic to view.
To perform a full-text search, type a word or phrase in the -Search-
box in the toolbar and click the Search button or press Enter.
All:To enable you to scan through a topic, definitions are hidden and fields
are collapsed. This reduces the visual clutter that you would typically
encounter when you open a topic. To view one definition or section at
a time, click on the link. To show all the hidden definitions and fields,
click Show/Hide All, which is
located on the toolbar.