About the Brava! File Viewer

The File Management feature of Proliance uses an integrated version of the Informative Graphics Brava! file viewer portfolio to display the contents of your uploaded files in your web browser. If you do not own a Brava! license, you will be unable to view or redline your uploaded files directly in Proliance. To purchase a Brava! license and accompanying site key, contact the Meridian Sales Department.

License owners are shipped the latest version of the Brava! file viewer along with every new release of Proliance. Because each version of Brava! that Trimble Buildings ships is developed and tested for use with Proliance, Trimble Buildings does not recommend that you download newer versions of Brava! directly from the Informative Graphics web site. The site key issued at the time of purchase is valid for all subsequent versions of Brava!.

For more information on the Informative Graphics Brava! file viewer, consult the following resources: