Set Up for Bidding

To initiate a new bidding process for a contract, use the following guidelines to prepare Proliance and the potential bidders.

Prepare Proliance

Bid coordinators should be assigned a security role with access to the following documents:

Each bidder must be provided a user account and license in Proliance, and be added to the same workspace as the Bid Package document. If a bidder user account does not already exist in the appropriate workspace, use the following steps to set up a new bidder in Proliance from scratch.

To prepare a new bidder account in Proliance

  1. Go to the Organization work area.
  2. Create a vendor company for the bidder, if one does not already exist.
  3. Create a vendor contact for the bidder.
  4. Ensure that both the vendor company and contact are set to the Active state.
  5. Assign an account to the bidder.
  6. Assign the bidder a Participant user license.
  7. Export the bidder to the same workspace as the bid package. Assign the bidder a security category that includes security role permissions for reading, updating and deleting Bid Invitation, Bid Invitation Addenda and Bid Proposal documents.

The bidder is now available to be added to the bidders list for the bid package.

Prepare Bidders to Use Proliance

Once a bidder user account has been added to the appropriate workspace, provide the bidder with a username and password to log on to Proliance. Inform the bidder of the URL of their Bid Invitation document, or configure Proliance to automatically generate a notification email when an invitation is generated for that bidder.