Getting the Schemas

Before you can create XML layout files, you need access to the Proliance schemas. An option in the Custom Print Layouts register lets you download all the schemas as a zip file. You can then extract the schemas into a folder of your choice.

To get the schemas

  1. Open the Custom Print Layouts register.
  2. Click Tools > Get Schemas.
  3. The standard Internet Explorer security warning appears.

  4. Click Open to view the contents of the zip file.
  5. —or—

    Click Save to save the zip file to a specified location.

  6. Extract the contents of the zip file.
  7. The zip file contains folders called Samples and Schemas.

    The Schemas folder contains the subfolders: Single Style Layouts and Multiple Style Layouts. These two folders contain the schemas that you will use for creating document or register reports, respectively.


  • Four sample Microsoft Word and Excel custom print layout files are included along with your schemas, one for each type of layout file: 'WordSampleSingle.xml', 'WordSampleMultiple.xml', 'ExcelSampleSingle.xml', and 'ExcelSampleMultiple.xml'. These are fully formatted, working layout files that you can use as guidelines for creating your own files. All four files are created for use with the 'RFI' document type.