Viewing an External Report

You can use Proliance to view files or reports that were created with a third-party tool. Proliance sends to a report web server a URL along with your account and your workspace and/or organization's account information. After the report web server verifies the account information, it displays the file or report.

To view an external report

  1. Open the External Reports register.
  2. Select the check box next to the external reports you wish to view, then click Tools > View Report.
  3. — or —

    Select the external report and then click View Link. (View Link appears next to the Report Link field while the external report is in edit mode. If this link is not available, a URL was not entered.)

    Proliance displays each report on a separate browser window. It may display in a smaller window all the external reports for which it could not locate a report. You can click on each external report in this window to modify the URL.


Your account and your workspace and/or organization's account information are referred to as the "query string parameters". This information is appended to the file or report URL.

For example:



  • http://<report_web_server>/<launchreport.aspx> is your file or report's URL.
  • <report_web_server> is the name of your report web server.
  • <launchreport.aspx> is the name of the file or report definition.
  • <org_account> is your organization's account name.
  • <workspace_account> is your workspace's account name.
  • <user_account> is your user account name.