Portfolios Work Area

The Portfolios work area is the portion of Proliance in which you can view and manage groups of business-related workspaces. All workspaces in a portfolio share the same configuration, document subtypes, and shared register views.

Portfolios provide tools for you to configure your portfolio's workspaces and to view and report on cross-workspace data. The Portfolios work area works with the Programs & Projects, Organization, and Analytics work areas.

Because documents within the Portfolios work area are only copies from the Organization work area, it is not possible to perform a workflow action.

The Portfolios work area will be used mainly by those involved in high-level workspace administration within your organization.

ClosedTo open the Portfolios work area

  1. Open the Home page of Proliance.
  2. Click Portfolios.
  3. The Portfoliosregister appears.

  4. Click Enter Portfolio next to the portfolio you wish to work on.
  5. The start page of the Portfolios work area appears. If you did not see any portfolios to choose, it means you have not yet been added to any portfolios. For more information, see "Adding a Person to Portfolio".


  • It is not possible to perform workflow actions in the Portfolios work area. All documents in the Portfolios work area have been added from other work areas, where any state transitions must take place.