Sharable vs. Non-sharable Lookups

Lookups lists created for a portfolio can have multiple versions. Each version can be designated as sharable or non-sharable.

You designate a lookup version as being sharable in the Lookup Versions tab of the Lookup Version Manager.


The physical layout of a building only applies to that building. Thus, lookups for that building would apply only to workspaces related to that building. If every workspace involves a different building, then each workspace would need to have lookups specific to that building. For example, your 'Area/Zone' lookup would be marked as "non-sharable".

However, if you have 10 workspaces in the same building, then those 10 workspaces should share the same lookups. In this case, all those lookups should be marked as "sharable".

Other examples:


  • You can change a lookup version from non-sharable to sharable at any time.
  • You can change a lookup version from sharable to non-sharable, but only if no more than one workspace is currently referencing that lookup version. If two or more workspaces are referencing the version, you must reduce the references down to one or less before you can change the version to non-sharable.